It's been nearly two months since my last creative project was posted to this blog. I'm still alive...and stamping--some. defines "funk" as a dejected mood. I've been in a funk. For a while. A creative, inspiration fairy lacking funk has been hovering in my craft room for quite some time. I don't like it.
I've been traveling a lot. I was traveling 8 weeks during the summer. I also wrapped up a two week work trip to San Antonio a couple of weeks ago. It was a great trip--I had a wonderful time. Now that I'm back in the office, I'm in the process of packing up and changing locations down the hall. It's forced me to go through my office and do some serious purging. Not long ago, I did the same thing to my craft room. I feel so much better now that it's clean and has some workable space in it...for whenever I'm ready to come back to it full-time.
This apathy has lingered far longer than I expected, or hoped. I'll be honest...there was even a point in the last few months where I thought seriously about laying the stamps down and giving up on it altogether. My stamp clubs were the only thing that kept me motivated enough not to quit. And my dear hubby. He reminded me how much I would miss it if I gave up on it completely. And he's right. I would really miss it. So I've continued to trudge on. And it's not like I haven't been stamping. I have. Just not very often. I've thought about my blog a LOT in the last two months and how much I've neglected it. I think I was to the point that something in my life had to give, and the blog was the thing that went first. Probably because it was the easiest thing to ignore.
The holidays are approaching and that always motivates me to get in my stamp room and be creative, so I am looking forward to those creative juices to start flowing again.
All this to say that I'm still here. I will be back with projects to post, I promise. For those that are still coming back to the blog, thank you! I appreciate you and the fact that you look forward to the projects that I share.
It's fall and the leaves are changing. And I hope that means a change in this funk that I'm in too. :)
Until next time, happy stamping my Friends!